
  • Are Private Driving Lessons At A Driving School Worth It?

    Have you tried to get your driver's license a few times, but ended up failing each time? Although it may be discouraging to fail on multiple occasions, you shouldn't give up on getting your license. You may have made some small mistakes while you were taking the test because you were nervous. Before taking the driving test again, consider taking driving lessons where you'll get plenty of time to practice and you'll get to learn how to become more confident in your own driving. [Read More]

  • 3 Activities to Help Your Kids Explore the World Around Them This Summer

    During the summer, it can be difficult to keep your kids minds busy. There are plenty of things for kids to do, but that doesn't mean they'll be actively learning. One of the great things about the Montessori approach to education is that any fun activity can be turned into an learning opportunity. Now that summer is here, don't let those learning moments get away from you. Here are three fun learning activities you can do with your kids. [Read More]

  • Is Academic Redshirting Right For Your Kindergarten-Age Child?

    Many child experts would agree that kindergarten is an important experience for all children. However, some parents are choosing to delay their children's entrance into kindergarten for various reasons. If you are considering a delayed entrance for your child, here is what you need to know. What Are the Benefits of Academic Redshirting? Academic redshirting, or delaying a child's entrance into kindergarten, is growing in popularity. Some parents believe that the delay will give their children an academic or social edge over his or her classmates. [Read More]

  • 2 Things To Do When Looking For A Preschool Program

    One of the most important steps you can take in your child's development is to send him or her to a preschool program, mostly because it can provide a lot of the skills and the foundation that your child needs to be comfortable and successful when he or she moves into a normal school program. Listed below are two things to do when looking for a preschool program: Ask About Meals [Read More]

  • Current Public Education Trends That You Need To Know About

    Whether you're about to send your little one off to school for the first time or already have children in the public school system, you're probably amazed sometimes about how much the classroom has changed since you were in school. If you're like most modern parents of young children, computers were a novelty in your classroom, and if your family had a home computer at all, it was shared with the rest of the family. [Read More]

  • Four Reasons To Enroll In Driving Lessons Over 50

    Driving lessons, driving permits, and driving licenses are certain rights of passage that many teens look forward to for years. Going through this process allows them to achieve a certain level of independence. Unfortunately, as you age things can change that may make you want to back through a driving school. If you are over the age of fifty here are a few reasons why you may want to consider taking driving lessons over again. [Read More]

  • Enjoying The Sky With Engagement And Enthusiasm - Questions For Your Flight Training Instructor

    It's hard to match the thrills and excitement that come from being able to take off into the expanse of the sky under your own power. Embracing the possibilities that come with flight training can allow you to truly change your life, but in order to fully embrace that change, you need to be fully prepared for every step of the process. Many people find themselves surprised by many aspects of flight training simply as a consequence of never having been involved in anything similar. [Read More]