Is Academic Redshirting Right For Your Kindergarten-Age Child?

Posted on: 27 July 2017

Many child experts would agree that kindergarten is an important experience for all children. However, some parents are choosing to delay their children's entrance into kindergarten for various reasons. If you are considering a delayed entrance for your child, here is what you need to know.

What Are the Benefits of Academic Redshirting?

Academic redshirting, or delaying a child's entrance into kindergarten, is growing in popularity. Some parents believe that the delay will give their children an academic or social edge over his or her classmates. The idea is that the child will be more mature and in a better position to learn and interact with other children.

Some parents opt to delay their children's kindergarten experience when their children have behavioral issues. For instance, a child who frequently has temper tantrums could be kept at home or in child care another year to give parents a chance to help him or her cope with emotional problems in a better way.

Are There Drawbacks?

There are some concerns that academic redshirting could be emotionally harmful to a child. Some children might not respond well to being held back a year after his or her friends of the same age. This could potentially lead to behavioral problems and the child could possibly experience self-esteem issues.

There is also the problem of the teacher having to fit the curriculum to be beneficial to every child in the class. There is concern that the teacher would have to make significant modifications to the curriculum that could lead to changes in the expectation for the entire class.

What Should You Do?

The decision of whether your child should have a delayed kindergarten entrance is yours to make, but there are some factors you should make before reaching a conclusion. For instance, your child's current level of development is important.

If your child has been attending child care up to this point, talk to his or her teacher. The teacher can provide insight on how your child interacts with other children and how well he or she learns in an environment with others. There is a good possibility that your child might behave differently in the daycare classroom than he or she does at home.

You also need to meet with the teachers at the school your child would attend. By meeting with the kindergarten teachers, you can get an idea of the expectations they will have for your child. You can also learn more about the methods the teachers use for handling children who might seem as if they are not quite ready for school. Check out sites like for more information.
